Sho-hei RyuChristopherRoland

Picture Gallery of  karate

 I remember the first time and day i walked into the dojo in byram i thought to my self man i want what they have

but to be truthful i have not got what they got everyone will master  differential diagnosis of karate in there on way

Always remember you are and  never  will be the best but you can make you'r self  better in the end by trying to be like the best

In karate you might think you know everything to know and every kata or every move or block but keep this in mind every time you will step in that dojo i bet you will learn something new that you did not befor 

 Me doing my blue belt kata lol i just noticed in this picture i had gained some weight lol thank GOD i lost some of it

Starting my kata 

Standing in front of the judges i was really scared because it was my first event i had been in 

The end of my kata getting a hand greet from one of the blackbelt judges  

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